Project information
Project: Edar Roselló
Country : España
Location: ROSELLÓ (Lleida)
Year: 2018
Flow rate: 100m3/h
Equipment: SolidTech®Nw30 + Safety spillways
We supply the following equipment:
Netwater Technology, has carried out the complete installation of a process of automatic roughing of solids in the well of thicknesses:
The main objective of this installation was to achieve:
-To automate the process of roughing thick solids. At present there was a vertical manual grille anchored in the wall, which was clogged very frequently, and its cleaning was manual. This involved the discharge of solids through the existing security spillway, the well of coarse solids.
-With the installation of our equipment SolidTech®Nw30 grilles + lateral closing plates that act as safety landfills, we proceeded to the automation of the roughing process of coarse solids, avoiding solids spills due to the obturation suffered by the system existing manual, also involves a notable improvement, for the staff of the treatment plant, preventing them from performing unhealthy work, not having to extract and get in contact with the waste manually.
-Increase the retention of solids by 80%.
Netwater Technology, through this turnkey installation, has managed to meet the needs of our client. This work was different from any conventional well of coarse solids, which was a challenge for our technical team, being an existing work and designed to work with a grapple and a hand grille anchored in the wall, there was no civil work canal for the installation and conduction of the water to be treated, where we could install our grid of standard thicknesses. Netwater offered a tailor suit solution. We proceeded to the design and manufacture of closing plates with double functionality, on the one hand, they carry waste water to the filtering zone, and in case of heavy rains, act as a safety dump, to evacuate the excess water. NETWATER made the start-up and installation of the equipment in one day, the equipment and parts fit perfectly, as we show in the images.