The water that is going to be used as process water is previously filtered by a SolidTech®Nw30 + ScrewTech®Nw80 Grating (Optional to transport solids) that removes impurities and other solids.
The residual water that comes from the wood industry has a high content of solids, such as chips and sawdust, which we recommend separating and extracting using our Arquímedes Fine Arqumedes ArqTech®Nw50 & Nw55 or FineTech®Nw60 fine sieve equipment.
The residual water of the production presents a high contamination, to reduce said contamination it is filtered through a Arquímedes Fine Arqmech®Nw55 sieve, the normal step light to use is 1mm, we have 2 formats of filtering grid can be supplied with triangular section or perforated sheet depending on the type of product.
NOTE: Equipment for the grinding of recovered paper solids and in the cellulose preparation processes.