We supply the following equipment:
Netwater Technology, has led the supply of various equipment for an Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant:
- One SolidTech®Nw30 grilles, to treat a Q = 410m3 / h, 75º working inclination, 20mm step light, main construction material in AISI-316, installed as coarse roughing in the pre-treatment process the PTAR. We also supply the electrical control panel, this time due to the weather in CUBA, we had to equip the table with forced ventilation + heating resistance, due to humidity.
- A SlesTech®Nw300 sludge gravity weigher, in a 4.5mt diameter tank. Feeding is done by pipe to a central bell, which serves as a distribution and reassuring zone. It is very important to correctly design the height of the tank, for the lower zone of compaction can work efficiently. This equipment has a rotating mechanism provided with a scrapers for sweeping the mud and its conduction to a central water well, from where they are extracted. It also contains the installation of vertical pegs that have as function the homogenization of the dough.
- A BridgeTech®Nw600 radial circular decanter bridge, diameter 17.6mt, central bell Ø2000×1800, emerging parts in hot galvanized carbon steel, part submerged in AISI-304, with parabolic bottom scraper, to improve the efficiency in the collection of sludge.
The main objective of this installation was to achieve:
-To automate the process of pretreatment of the WWTP, Primary Decantation and Thickening by gravity of the sludge.
-Increase the retention of solids.
-Increase the sedimentation of sludge.
Netwater Technology, through this supply, has managed to meet the needs of our client. For the development of this project, it was necessary to pass a supplier approval process, because the parent company is German and they have very strict selection criteria from their supplier network. We achieved the homologation and we were able to supply the equipment. See some photos of the equipment installed.