Stormwater and Pumping Station Screens
One of the key points for protecting the environment and receiving waters is the treatment of urban wastewater in combined sewer systems. The quality of many receiving waterways has substantially improved due to the construction of new treatment plants or the upgrading of discharge points in combined sewer networks.
Despite these efforts, there is an environmental issue caused by the discharge of coarse solids and floatables during rain events due to overflow in combined sewer systems. To reduce this impact, appropriate measures must be adopted in the near future.
NETWATER offers solutions for stormwater treatment through the installation of WeirTech® Nw57 overflow screens, which are used to retain floatables and other coarse solids within the sewer system, preventing their discharge into receiving waters during rain events or when flow increases exponentially in tourist areas.
Our screen models are adaptable to different installation conditions, with various filter mesh types such as wedge-shaped “Johnson” screens or perforated plates. They can be installed in front of or on top of the overflow lip.
Some of the advantages of installing overflow screens include:
• Reduced investment cost
• Reduced maintenance costs
• Environmental protection and improved water quality through screening
• Maximum operational reliability