Project information
Country: Spain
Location:Castellar del Valles WWTP
Year: 2023
Flow: Q. Max. 500m3/h.
Equipment: FineTech®Nw60 fine screens (1 + 1pcs).
Netwater Technology, has carried out the complete installation of TWO fine screens in the pre-treatment channel to maximise the retention and removal of the waste contained in the urban wastewater:
The main objective of our client was to replace the 2 current AQUAGUARD type screens, installed in 1995, with screens with a greater waste retention capacity. The current screens were capable of treating 500m3/h, but they allowed a large amount of waste to pass through to the following processes.
At present they had TWO ANDRITZ (AQUA-GUARD) fine screens of origin that were installed in the year of construction of the WWTP in 1995, these screens were manufactured entirely in iron-painted, as all electromechanical equipment, has a durability and there were some parts of the equipment affected by corrosion, these equipment had reached the end of its useful life.
By installing our FineTech® Nw60 fine screens, we have increased the retention and removal of waste in the pre-treatment exponentially, preventing these solids from clogging pumps or other WWTP equipment. Our filtration mesh system composed of modular panels allows changing the mesh or conveyor chains in-situ, without the need to remove the screen from the site, saving significant logistical costs in maintenance tasks.
Netwater Technology, through this installation, has managed to meet the needs of our client, we attach some images where you can see “the type of waste of small size” that are able to retain our FineTech® Nw60 fine screens, the “high retention and extraction capacity”, allows us to contribute even better performance of the treatment plant and reduction of operating costs.
In order to show you the scope of the project, we provide you with some pictures.