Project information
Country: Spain
Location: Barcelona
Year: 2022
Flow: 1m3/h
Equipment: ScrewPressTech®90.215SP.
Netwater Technology has supplied a plastic waste auger compactor for transporting, compacting and dewatering waste at the WWTPi:
The main objective of our client was to reduce the operating costs of the WWTPi. To achieve this objective, they wanted to replace the current hydraulic compactor with a technology that was capable of transporting, compacting and dehydrating the plastic waste, on which the current disc filters installed in the WWTPi were discharged:
– Actually, the existing hydraulic compactor was not able to compact the waste, nor drain the water from it, the equipment overflowed quite easily, the waste was deposited in a waste container of 24m3, with a large amount of water and weight of these, this fact implied to our client a large logistical costs and waste treatment:
Before upgrading: they removed a container of 24m3/day, weighing approximately 25,000kg, After the upgrade, after the installation of our ScrewPressTech® Nw90.215SP: they remove a container of 24m3/h weighing approximately 16,250kg, every 2 weeks.
–Netwater Technology had to custom design the equipment to fit the dimensions of the existing equipment and manholes on site. By installing our ScrewPressTech® Nw90.215SP equipment, several serious problems have been solved, such as lower logistical costs, lower waste treatment costs, lower labour risks, now the whole area where our equipment performs its task, is free of water or waste on the floor, preserving the integrity of the maintenance personnel, which was a major concern for our client.
The ScrewPressTech® Nw90.215SP consists of a NEW compaction head and pressure system, by means of which we achieve greater dryness of the waste, we have equipped it with a common collection hopper which is responsible for collecting (the water that drains the head, from the area of the hopper and the conveyor channel), the water is led to a single pipe, simplifying the process of installing the equipment on site.
Netwater Technology, through this supply, has been able to meet the needs of our client, who has been very satisfied with our service.
We show images of the installation before the improvement: